Find out why our Proprietary Quality Stats has produced an incredible record of success analysing NFL teams and games for fans who bet on NFL football.

Become a CHFF INSIDER and get all the tools you need to analyze every matchup throughout the season!

Powerful Stats

The Cold Hard Football Facts are built upon the bedrock of our Quality Stats, those indicators that have direct correlation to winning football games. With Your Subscription You Get:

Quality Stats

Our simple to use, ground-breaking Quality Stats power the winning game coverage at CHFF, which has produced an incredible record of success analyzing teams and games for football fans.

Game Capsules for Every Game

Analysis and Quality Stat comparison for every match-up every game measured side by side based on Quality Stats.

Team Profiles

The statistical profile of each team in easy to use, info-packed team page.

Weekly and Season-Long Stat Leaderboards

Top performers each week and all season in each of our proprietary Quality Stats, showing in graphic terms the importance of each indicator.

Team Needs

Detailed analysis recapping the performance for all 32 teams and outlining what each needs the next season.

Free Agency

A breakdown by position of the top available free agents heading into the 2020 Season and the Cold Hard Football Facts Free Agency Tracker.


Comprehensive NFL Draft Coverage including composite rankings for each position from the major NFL Draft analysis.


Performance recap and analysis of who boosted or hurt their Draft stock.


All the latest rumors and headlines from around the league with a twist thanks to our Quality Stats.

Prop Wagers

Breaking down the most popular and best prop wagers with an eye on systemic connections to our Quality Stats.

Future Odds

Analyzing all the odds on future performance, draft selections and other league news with an eye on our Quality Stats.

Game Capsules

The CHFF Game Capsules and color coded side-by-side team charts highlight statistical advantages and provide an overall summary of how the CHFF Quality Stats stack up every game of the NFL season.